Monday, April 17, 2006

Welcome New Blogger DrunkenRantz

Let’s welcome to the Blogosphere a good personal friend of mine, we’ll identify only as "DrunkenRantz".
He disagrees with me on everything, but is the source of many interesting and entertaining discussions I have had with him. He is intelligent, and a lot of fun to be around, and hopefully will be fun to read. I will add a link to his site, titled,"Mixing Politics with Alcohol," on my sidebar. Remember, though, he disagrees with me on everything.


Drunkenrantz said...

I even disagree with your blanket statement "Remember, though, he disagrees with me on everything." We both agree that Frank Zappa and Robert Fripp are some of the greatest guitarists to walk the planet, for one thing. We also agree that the Mohammad South Park episode was an important statement on free speech. I think we can also agree that the sky is predominantly blue as well, if we don't get into an arguement about what "blue" is...

RevJim said...

See, this is great! You got me there, Rantz. Okay, not everything.