Monday, September 11, 2006

When We Are All Americans

On this day, five years ago, our lives changed abruptly. At first it seemed like a freak accident, that an aircraft had crashed into a tower of the World Trade Center. Then, the second plane hit the South Tower, and we realized that it was an attack against innocent people on American soil.
As we recovered from the shock, as we faced the horror that had befallen us, we gathered our resolve, and carried on with our lives, honoring those who had fallen with a resilience that could not have been expected by those who had attacked us.
Our flag still waved, the Statue of Liberty still stood, and it is with pride we remember that, no matter who we were, and no matter where we lived, no matter if we were Republicans, Democrats, or Libertarians, we were all Americans that day.
Today, we should forget politics, if just for a moment, and come together as a nation to remember and honor those who lost their lives on the darkest day of contemporary American history.

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